Topxaneyên Rûsyayê Xersonê topbaran kirin
Hat ragihandin ku balafirên bê mirov ên Şehed ji Kirima dagirkirî avêtin
Serbian Minister of Defense, Miloš Vučević stated today that if the Armed Forces are given to order to enter the Territory of Kosovo they are prepared to do so Effectively and Successfully, but that it will be done not against and with the knowledge of the NATO “KFOR” Peacekeeping Mission within the Country
Lavrov: "We're working with our Azerbaijani colleagues to stabilize the situation in Karabakh to strengthen trust for coexistence of Armenians and Azerbaijanis. I hope Yerevan is interested in this."
Slovakya Rûsyayê bi destwerdana hilbijartinan tawanbar dike û gazî dîplomatekî xwe dike
Rûsyayê ji Rostovê heta Mariupolê rêyeke nû ava dike
Li gundê Çkalove yê herêma Xersonê di encama teqîna mayînekê de kesek mir
11 month ago Josep Borrell: Dema ku em bi hev re bin, em bi hêztir in. YE piştevana yekem a Ukraynayê ye û dimîne. Spas ji we @ZelenskyyUa û @DmytroKuleba re ku îro me mêvandar kirin
President Zuzana Čaputová, in the spirit of constitutional tradition, on Monday entrusted the winner of the election with forming the government. The head of state first had a statement on early parliamentary elections at 2:00 p.m., and an hour later Robert Fico, chairman of the Smer-SD party, arrived at the palace.
11 month ago Polîsê îro danê sibê di encama topbarana li Xersonê de birîndar bibû, li nexweşxaneyê jiyana xwe ji dest da.
Hêzên Rûsyayê li herêmên Donetsk û Lûhanskê çalakî pêk anîn. Artêşa Ukraynayê li nêzî Makiyivka herêma Lûhanskê, Andriyivka, Keramik, Stepove, Avdiyivka û Pervomayske, Maryinka û Novomykhaylivka, Staromayorske yên herêma Donetsk, Novodarivka û Verbove yên Zaporizhia yên herêma Çekdar ên Ukraynayê, bi hêzên Rûsyayê re 38 pevçûnên şer hebûn. di rapora sibehê de
Firokeyên Rûsî êrîşên asmanî li ser Îvanivka ya herêma Xarkovê pêk anîn; Bilohorivka herêma Luhanskê; Nove, Terny, Spirne, Vyyimka, Vesele, Klischiyivka, Andriyivka, Kostyantynivka, Avdiyivka, Novomykhaylivka, Zolota Nyva, Urozhayne, Staromayorske herêma Donetsk; Mala Tokmachka ya herêma Zaporizhzhia; Beryslav, Kozatske, Olhivka û Vysoke yên herêma Kherson, - Serfermandariya Giştî ya Hêzên Çekdar ên Ukraynayê di rapora sibehê de dibêje.
11 month ago Di encama teqîna li nêzî gundê Donetsê yê herêma Xarkovê de operatorê dirûnê genim birîndar bû
Civîna wezîrên karên derve yên welatên Yekîtiya Ewropî li Kîev dest pê kir - yekem civîna li derveyî Yekîtiya Ewropî.
11 month ago Civîna wezîrên derve yên YE û Ukrayna li Kîevê
11 month ago Li Xersonê di encama topbarana Rûsyayê de 2 kes birîndar bûn
Hat ragihandin li Kharkivê teqîn çêbûn
11 month ago Parastina hewayî ya Ukraynayê 4 ji 4 balafirên bêpîlot ên Rûsî yên Şehed xistin xwarê
Şevê din li herêma Dnipropetrovsk 3 dronên Şehed hatin xistin
Artêşa Rûsyayê bi MLRS'ê Khersonê topbaran kir
Parastina hewayî li herêma Khersonê li dijî dronên Shahed ên ku ber bi herêma Mykolaiv difirin dixebitin
NATO confirms strengthening of KFOR with 200 soldiers to join a 400-strong UK contingent already exercising in Kosovo. Says it’s a “prudent step” in order “to fulfil its UN mandate: to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo”
11 month ago Topxaneyên Rûsyayê îro Nîkopol û Marhanets topbaran kirin, dronek kamikaze bikar anîn
11 month ago Leader of PS Michal Šimečka stated that they will do anything they can to prevent a government led by Robert Fico. He wants to form a constitutional majority with Hlas, OĽaNO, KDH and SaS. He also thanked voters for giving PS "the most votes that a liberal party ever received"
11 month ago Nûnerê Bilind ê Polîtîkayên Derve û Ewlekariyê yê Yekîtiya Ewropayê Josep Borrell piştî serdana Odesayê di 1'ê Cotmehê de çûbû Kîev.
Parastina hewayî mûşekek li ser Dzhankoi xist
11 month ago Di encama topbarana li navenda Vovchanskê de 1 kes mirin
11 month ago Hat ragihandin li Kostiantynivkayê teqîneke dijwar pêk hat
Fico's anti-Ukrainian SMER party comes out first at 23%, Progressive Slovakia at 17%.nA bad day for European security and solidarity
News from countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, FYROM, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Poland., Hungary., Germany., Russia., Belarus., Ukraine., Moldova. has own maps. Also Baltics. and Balkans.
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Road accidents, cars Artillery, MLRS Airplanes, jets Helicopters Camps, tents Captured Dead Stabbing attacks Fires Injures/medicine Firebombs Police Gun shooting Speech, statement Stop, road block Tanks, APCs, armored vehicles Thugs, people in masks Nuke, radioctive materials Ship, Warship Gas, chemical weapons Drones, robots Rally, Protests, Demos, crowds Hostages and Refugees No Connection, Jamming, Radar Rifle Gun, armed men Explosion, blasts Shelling Trucks Hackers, computers Picture(photo) Food Money Press Phone Fort Video Destruction Landmines, IEDs Crane, construction Railway House Anti-air, SAM No Water Rocket Submarine Twitter Facebook Electricity, blackout Biohazard Nature, disasters Stocks Transport or civil plane Rescue operation Natural resource Mobile, applications Drugs Earthquake Floods Tsunami Animals, wildlife Sports Map Volcano Snow Pollution Manpads Gendeliyê Satellite Alcohol Arrested Sun Bus Animals: Cat Animals: Dog Stocks Down Animals: Snake ATGM Animals: Panda(rare animals) Animals: Horse Animals: Cow Animals: Lion Animals: Shark Animals: Wolf Supply Flares Animals: Bear Machine Gun Stun grenade Airplanes: light plane Motobike Balloon Bulldozer Cruise Missile FPV drone Map Change Event Missile Airborne Quadcopter(Mavic) Large explosive drone(Shahed) Tractor Tunnel Air Alert Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAdditional symbols
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