19 hours ago切尔尼戈夫的居民住宅因无人机袭击而部分被毁
20 hours ago切尔尼戈夫发生爆炸
21 hours ago特朗普:基思·凯洛格将军被任命为乌克兰问题特使,他将与乌克兰领导层合作
21 hours agoGendarmerie stopped at the Faculty of Law, distancing itself from citizens and students
21 hours agoMore and more people at Pioneer Park, torches are lit
21 hours agoPresident Vučić will address the citizens tonight at 10 p.m.
21 hours agoA large number of Gendarmerie members near the Faculty of Law on King Aleksandra Boulevard
21 hours ago如果基辅要求盟军进入其领土,莫斯科"与此无关",马克龙强调
21 hours agoThe gendarmerie is heading towards the Parliament. The students have announced that this is no longer their protest
21 hours agoStudents announce end of 15/15 protest, call on colleagues and riot police to withdraw due to incidents near Parliament
21 hours ago马克龙称,如果基辅同意派遣盟军维和部队,莫斯科无权发表意见
a day agoTwo young men were arrested near the Parliament
a day agoThe police are in front of the Parliament, more and more people are coming, and the guards have withdrawn, saying that their protest is over and that it is now a civil one.
a day agoAs reported by an Insider reporter, at one point students were running across Terazije, shouting "evacuation", and one of the guards said: "The student protest is over." The students were instructed to go to their faculties.
a day agoMinistry of Interior: There were around 107,000 participants at the rally at all locations in Belgrade
a day agoBig ovation followed the Hungarian opposition figure Peter Magyar's words: "The spring is here, The spring of the Hungarians, and We, together will end Orban's winter"
a day ago"Whoever doesn't jump is a fool," at the National Assembly
a day ago乌克兰空袭赫尔松州奥列什基的孔卡河大桥
a day agoThousands gathered in Budapest at a rally held by opposition party TISZA, calling for the end of Viktor Orban's rule in Hungary. Orban earlier called all opposition politicians "cockroaches" in his National Day speech. Photo: BIRN
a day ago尼科波尔遭俄罗斯炮击,造成 1 人死亡,1 人受伤
a day ago泽连斯基任命谈判团队,准备与俄罗斯进行可能的和平谈判
a day ago"Tears flow when I see the youth" - Gatherings across Belgrade ahead of the protest in front of the Parliament
a day ago泽连斯基收到了瑟尔斯基的报告:乌克兰军队在库尔斯克地区某些地区的行动仍在继续。我军没有被包围。长海王星导弹已在战斗中进行了测试并成功使用。距离为一千公里
a day ago欧盟委员会主席:我们确认支持乌克兰关于临时停火提议的立场。
a day ago斯塔默:我们将加快对乌克兰的军事支持,加强对俄罗斯的制裁,确保俄罗斯为其袭击乌克兰付出代价。
a day ago英国首相:我们将努力加大对俄罗斯的压力
a day ago英国首相:我们将致力于建设乌克兰的国防和武装力量。
a day ago泽连斯基说:"我们看到俄罗斯军队正在乌克兰东部边境集结兵力。这表明他们想袭击苏梅地区。"
a day agoPolice searched Novica Antic in Bubanj Potok, his companion detained
a day agoCar crashes into citizens in Žarkovo: Several injured, driver flees
a day agoColumns of students and protesters are moving towards the center of Belgrade or are already there ahead of a protest in front of the Serbian Parliament scheduled for 4 p.m. under the slogan '15 for 15'
a day agoPublic transport in Belgrade suspended on the day of the major protest, no lines operate until the end of the day
a day ago伏尔加格勒南部烟雾弥漫。报告称有化学气味
a day agoStudents on the blockade said today, ahead of a large protest they are organizing in Belgrade, that they are against intrusions into institutions, attacks on dissenters, and any kind of vandalism, which is why they called on everyone to be united and responsible.
a day agoThe students still did not change the location of the protest: Rally at the Parliament, stage at Slavija
a day ago俄罗斯无人机袭击导致敖德萨和第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克地区的电力基础设施受损
a day ago俄罗斯国防部声称控制库尔斯克地区的 Zaoleshenka 和 Rubanschyna
a day ago俄罗斯航空对苏梅地区的韦利卡皮萨里夫卡、赫拉尼夫地区、哈尔科夫地区的科扎查洛潘、扎波罗热地区的胡利亚波勒、扎利兹尼奇内、诺沃皮尔、诺沃皮尔、扎波罗热地区的新安德里耶夫卡、赫罗迪夫卡、新帕夫利夫卡、波克罗夫斯克、顿涅茨克地区的米尔诺赫拉德、赫尔松地区、托马里涅、赫尔松地区的科扎茨克进行了空袭。乌克兰军队报告
a day ago据乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报道,昨天在库皮扬斯克轴心国扎赫雷佐夫和彼得罗巴甫利夫卡附近发生冲突
a day ago俄罗斯导弹袭击克里沃罗格造成最终受伤人数达到 14 人
a day ago俄罗斯夜间袭击博霍杜希夫,造成 4 人受伤
a day ago乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称,昨天在新帕夫利夫卡轴心,在科斯特扬蒂诺波尔、罗兹利夫、维尔讷波尔、普里维尔内和舍甫琴科附近发生冲突
a day ago乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,昨天在托列茨克轴线上,达赫内、德鲁日巴和托列茨克附近发生冲突
a day ago据乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报道,昨天在奥里希夫轴心国斯捷波夫、皮亚特哈特基和谢尔巴基附近发生冲突
a day ago乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,昨天在诺沃皮尔附近的胡利艾波尔轴心国发生冲突
a day ago乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称,哈尔科夫轴心昨天在沃夫昌斯克、卡缅卡和克拉斯涅佩尔谢附近发生冲突
a day ago乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称,波克罗夫斯克轴心昨天在Sukha Balka、Vodyane Druhe、Svyrydonivka、Promin、Pokrovsk、Kotlyne、Kotlyarivka、Andriyivka、Bohdanivka、Tarasivka、Hrodivka、Lysivka、Novopavlivka、Serhiyivka和Udachne附近发生冲突
a day ago据乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报道,昨天,莱曼轴线上在科潘基、诺沃耶霍里夫卡、诺沃沃迪耶内、亚姆波利夫卡、托尔斯克附近以及诺夫和德罗尼夫卡附近发生了冲突
a day ago乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,乌克兰军队在赫尔松轴线上击退了俄罗斯军队的 1 次进攻
a day ago乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,在库尔斯克地区,乌克兰军队击退了 20 次俄罗斯军队的进攻
a day ago乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称,昨天在西韦尔斯克轴线上,比洛霍里夫卡、伊万诺-达里夫卡、上赫诺卡米扬斯克和赫里霍里夫卡附近发生了冲突
a day ago据乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报道,昨天在克拉马托尔斯克,恰西夫亚尔、库尔杜米夫卡和斯图波奇基附近发生冲突
a day agoHungarian Prime Minister: We demand the expulsion of Soros agents from the European Commission and the removal of corrupt lobbyists from Parliament.
a day ago匈牙利总理奥尔班发表帖子,列出对欧盟的要求
a day ago乌克兰防空部队一夜之间击落130架攻击无人机
a day ago俄罗斯国防部称,3月15日晚,防空部队在伏尔加格勒、沃罗涅日、别尔哥罗德、布良斯克、罗斯托夫和库尔斯克地区开展行动。据报道,共有126架无人机被摧毁。在伏尔加格勒地区,防空部队击落了64架无人机。在沃罗涅日地区,有38架无人机被摧毁,在别尔哥罗德地区有14架,在布良斯克有7架,在罗斯托夫有2架,在库尔斯克有1架。
2 days ago无人机袭击后伏尔加格勒发生大火
2 days ago无人机坠毁在切尔尼戈夫的居民住宅中
2 days ago基辅地区的防空部门对攻击无人机展开打击
2 days ago据报道,第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克州卡缅斯克区发生爆炸
2 days ago无人机袭击导致切尔诺莫斯克停电
2 days agoBelgrade on the eve of the largest anti-govt protest since the Milosevic overthrow in 2000
2 days ago俄罗斯空袭赫尔松造成 1 人死亡,2 人受伤
2 days agoThe Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed to BIRN that, at the request of the State Prosecutor’s Office, it ordered the detention of Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik, the entity’s Prime Minister Radovan Viškovic, and National Assembly Speaker Nenad Stevandic on Friday
2 days agoDespite the rain, thousands of people gathered in central Belgrade to welcome students who have been walking from various parts of the country in order to join the mass rally in the capital, scheduled for tomorrow
2 days ago苏梅州霍京发生 2 起爆炸
2 days ago苏梅发生爆炸
2 days ago赫尔松疑似空袭后火光四起、浓烟滚滚
2 days ago科斯蒂安蒂尼夫卡发生多起爆炸
2 days ago克里沃罗格至少有 4 人因弹道导弹袭击而受伤
2 days ago无人机或导弹隔夜袭击后,图阿普谢炼油厂大火仍在肆虐
2 days agoSerbia President Aleksandar Vucic held a press conference ahead of mass protests in Belgrade and spoke about Bosnia and Herzegovina, expressing support for Milorad Dodik, the president of BiH's Republika Srpska entity
2 days ago马克龙:我今天与总统@ZelenskyyUa 进行了交谈,随后又与总理@Keir_Starmern 进行了交谈,讨论周二美国和乌克兰在吉达会晤取得的进展。俄罗斯现在必须接受美乌提出的 30 天停火提议。俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略必须结束。暴行必须停止。拖延声明也必须停止。周二,在巴黎举行的会议聚集了约 40 名国防参谋长。明天,我们将继续努力加强对乌克兰的支持,实现稳固持久的和平,我们将与总理斯塔默、总统泽连斯基以及我们所有的合作伙伴举行视频会议。
2 days ago据报道,克里沃罗格发生两起弹道导弹袭击
2 days ago卢比奥告诉记者,关于乌克兰和平的问题是"我们是否真的在朝着停火的方向前进,还是这只是一种拖延战术",并补充说他现在"无法描述"它,而这很大程度上将基于维特科夫昨天的谈话
2 days ago马尔科·卢比奥:特朗普总统将在美国特使维特科夫回国后决定下一阶段的进程。
2 days ago美国国务卿:停止乌克兰战争并非易事
2 days ago泽连斯基:我们需要和平。真正的和平。我们不能让战争拖下去。美方提议先无条件停火。然后,在沉默期间,我们可以制定一个可靠的和平计划,将其摆到桌面上,讨论细节并实施。我们已经准备好了。我们认为,我们的合作伙伴的责任是确保俄罗斯准备好结束战争——不是寻找理由让战争持续数周、数月或数年,而是结束战争
2 days agoUN calls on Serbian authorities to allow unhindered protest in Belgrade tomorrow
2 days ago乌克兰武装力量总参谋部:有关俄罗斯军队在库尔斯克地区"包围"乌克兰部队的报道是不实的,是俄罗斯人出于政治目的和对乌克兰及其合作伙伴施加压力而制造的。过去一天,局势没有发生重大变化
2 days agoG7 重申"坚定支持"乌克兰"领土完整",并威胁俄罗斯若不支持停火将实施新制裁
2 days ago涉嫌杀害德米扬·哈努尔的男子已被拘留——内政部长伊霍尔·克莱缅科。据称,作案所用的武器是在他藏身的公寓里发现的。
2 days ago特朗普:昨天我们与俄罗斯总统普京进行了非常好且富有成效的讨论,这场可怕、血腥的战争很有可能最终结束
2 days ago北约秘书长吕特对彭博社表示:"战后,逐步重建与俄罗斯的关系是合理的,但我们还没有做到这一点。我们必须继续向他们施压,让他们认真对待谈判。乌克兰加入北约不再被考虑。"当被问及"特朗普真的要把乌克兰加入北约的问题从谈判桌上撤下来吗?"吕特回答说:"是的。"
2 days ago俄罗斯航空兵对赫尔松中部进行空袭
2 days ago占科伊无人机残骸造成 2 人受伤
2 days ago七国集团最后声明对乌克兰立即停火的承诺表示赞赏。
2 days ago无人机袭击了下诺夫哥罗德州穆利诺的军事训练场
2 days agoSlovenian Prime Minister on student protest in Belgrade: We are closely monitoring the situation
2 days ago赫尔松州比洛泽尔卡发生炮击,造成 1 人受伤
2 days ago冯德莱恩:欧盟加大对俄罗斯的压力。我们因俄罗斯持续侵略乌克兰而对近 2400 名个人和实体实施制裁,包括: - 旅行禁令; - 资产冻结; - 资金/资源禁令;我们支持乌克兰的决心是决定性的
2 days ago卢卡申科表示,白俄罗斯近期不会成为俄罗斯的一部分。
2 days ago克里姆林宫发言人表示,普京昨天傍晚会见了史蒂夫·维特科夫,向特朗普传递了一些信息和信号
2 days ago俄罗斯国防部声称控制库尔斯克地区的冈恰洛夫卡
2 days ago活动人士德米扬·汉努尔在敖德萨被暗杀。警方正在寻找枪手
2 days ago赫尔松炮击致 1 人受伤
2 days ago乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称,哈尔科夫轴心昨天在沃夫昌斯克、红佩尔舍和多罗希夫卡附近发生冲突
2 days ago乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称,库皮扬斯克轴心昨天在霍卢比夫卡、扎赫里佐韦和博胡斯拉夫卡附近发生冲突
2 days ago据乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报道,昨天,胡利艾波尔轴线上在 Novosilka、Rivnopil、Vilne Pole 和 Novopil 附近发生冲突
2 days ago昨天,在莱曼轴线上,托尔斯克、亚姆波利夫卡附近以及泽列纳多利纳、格里霍里夫卡、诺韦、新米哈伊利夫卡附近发生了冲突,乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告称
News from countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, FYROM, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Poland., Hungary., Germany., Russia., Belarus., Ukraine., Moldova. has own maps. Also Baltics. and Balkans.
Colors on the map
Road accidents, cars
Artillery, MLRS
Airplanes, jets
Camps, tents
Stabbing attacks
Gun shooting
Speech, statement
Stop, road block
Tanks, APCs, armored vehicles
Thugs, people in masks
Nuke, radioctive materials
Ship, Warship
Gas, chemical weapons
Drones, robots
Rally, Protests, Demos, crowds
Hostages and Refugees
No Connection, Jamming, Radar
Rifle Gun, armed men
Explosion, blasts
Hackers, computers
Landmines, IEDs
Crane, construction
Anti-air, SAM
No Water
Electricity, blackout
Nature, disasters
Transport or civil plane
Rescue operation
Natural resource
Mobile, applications
Animals, wildlife
Animals: Cat
Animals: Dog
Stocks Down
Animals: Snake
Animals: Panda(rare animals)
Animals: Horse
Animals: Cow
Animals: Lion
Animals: Shark
Animals: Wolf
Animals: Bear
Machine Gun
Stun grenade
Airplanes: light plane
Cruise Missile
FPV drone
Map Change Event
Missile Airborne
Large explosive drone(Shahed)
Air Alert
Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAdditional symbols
Important venueAttention! All events and areas of control on the map are geolocated approximately